6ix did an outstanding job, and easily is the best part of the album. I dig the concept of the entire album, the skits with Neil DeGrasse Tyson are great and entertaining, and near the ending of the album you figure out in a sense that it's a continuation of the story from **** The production on this album is incredible. It's not horrible or great, but it's solely in the middle.

I dig the concept of the entire album, the skits with Neil This album is good. Everybody is a musical masterpiece and actually has some real lyrics substance, but does have a few errors. Everybody is as finely-crafted and stunning as it's album cover, and even more impressive and enjoyable. The delivery and lyrics at the last minute and a half of the final song are incredible. The final song is annoyingly and frustratingly repetitive, but the ending is one of Everybody's best moments. "America" has some extremely false lyrics and claims about Trump and Bush, calling them horrible people and racists. There are a few missteps, however, specifically on the songs "America" and the final song. Logic raps (and occasionally sings) very well on this album and absolutely kills it on the title track and "Killing Spree." The lyrics on this album actually say something, and preach solid, meaningful messages for the most part.

#Everydody logic album download plus#
Another big plus on Everybody is Logic's rapping. The music on Everybody just sounds plain amazing painstakingly created and nearly perfect. "1-800" has powerful music and lyrics, and "Anziety" and "Black" sound plain great. The chorus on "Confess" is fantastic in terms of production and musical quality. "Hallelujah" has utterly amazing music that blows me away, the beat and hook on "America" is killer and addictive, and "Mos Definitly" has amazing music. The music and production is reminiscent of the production on MDTF because of it's extremely high-quality, amazing, and just plain great-sounding. Everybody is not like any other rap album, except for My Dark Twisted Fantasy - shout out to Timothy Golden's review - or other Logic albums.