On close examination, the patterns and color schemes share a lot of similarities along with the fact that Louis Vuitton sells suitcases. The Pattern and Colors found on the Suitcases that hold the outfits seem to take heavy inspiration from the real life French luxury company Louis Vuitton. You can use it to try out different outfits to see how they will look on the player. You can find outfit tester on the Forest Map website. Modern Bow location in Cave 7 - Chasm Cave Hidden Stash Room in Cave 2 - Hanging Cave The player can carry up to 5 different outfits that can be changed in the inventory.Ĭave 6 - Lawyer Cave - BATHROBE AND BATHROBE PANTS Play by yourself, or with up to 8 friends for the ultimate survival experience. Defend yourself against a clan of genetic mutant enemies that have beliefs, families and morals and that appear almost human. Wearing camo or neutral tones does not seem to add to a player's stealth, and the coverage of clothing does not seem to impact warmth (i.e., a character in an outfit with a t-shirt will become cold just as quickly as a player in a hoodie). A new type of open world, survival horror experience.

It is not clear whether outfits have any effect other than changing the superficial appearance of the player character. A few special suitcases in specific locations will only offer a particular outfit associated with the environment/former owners of the luggage (e.g., the tennis outfit may only be obtained from the corpse of a tennis player or a particular bag near the bodies of several tennis players).

Most clothing outfits are determined by randomized pickup rolls, which will grant different outfit combinations (e.g., green hoodie and camo jeans) from specific suitcases. I don't know if it's important, but what I am actually trying to achieve is changing the title of a classic SharePoint page (.aspx), which is under /Pages and should also be a list item of the 'Pages' list.There are several outfits the player can find. If I step into the running flow into this step I an see that there was at least one retry and there's an error message The flow just does not finish and runs forever. When a model is available, each type name must resolve to a valid type.\r\nclientRequestId: 7183eedb-5e49-4eea-abd2-5661b3b66bae\r\nserviceRequestId: c8fc4a9f-b057-2000-03d0-e9b1821e8a58", "message": "A type named 'SP.Data.PagesListItem' could not be resolved by the model. So why is it not working?ĭear I've changed the step as per your suggestion (please note that I have thus removed the accept header) This shows me, that there is indeed a property '_metadata' and the type 'SP.Data.PagesItem' is also correct. Strangely enough, when getting this item like so "message": "The property '_metadata' does not exist on type 'SP.Data.PagesItem'. "Accept": "application/json odata=verbose", For reference, I followed the documentation about updating list items. I am trying to set the Field "Title" in a list item to a new value by using the SP REST API.